Two Witches, No Waiting
a comedy by Pat Cook
Directed by Amanda Clark
Presented through special arrangement with The Dramatic Publishing Company of Woodstock, Illinois.
November 4th - November 20th, 2022
Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30pm
Sundays at 2pm
*This is not a young audience focused production, but this show is appropriate for older elementary school grade 3 and up.
SYNOPSIS Arlene Marcus and her sister, Elzbeth, are known far and wide in South Texas as friendly, charitable and a little eccentric. This is understandable, because it is also known that they are witches. At least, that's the story, especially the one spread by their housekeeper, Opal Dunn, just before she vanished without a trace...Arlene's son, Jeremy, tries to keep a lid on things by trying to get the sisters to sell their house. And who wants desperately to buy the property? Eustace Sternwood, his fiancés father. Jeremy already has his hands full, so what happens when he seems to be falling in love with Bonnie, the new housekeeper? And just who is she? And why does she keep making reports to someone over her cellphone? It's a heady brew of twists and turns, where barn owls spy on people through windows, closets fly open and even the house itself seems alive. Of course, it's all par for the course, especially when you have Two Witches, No Waiting. CAST LIST MAIN CAST ARLENE: Jeanine Stassens ELZBETH: Angela Michtom BONNIE: Lindsay Delaney JEREMY: Jacin Harter KIT: Amanda Anderson STERNWOOD: Allen Denison JEB: Bud Reece OPAL DUNN: Nicole Gable UNDERSTUDY CAST Support our incredible understudy cast at the November 11th performance! Learn about the use of understudies and their role as the "bedrock of Broadway" here. ARLENE: Patricia Alston ELZBETH: Courtney Goslin BONNIE: Kyra Wayne JEREMY: Les Ico KIT: Hailee Vandiver STERNWOOD: Peter Bolger JEB: Andy Hyett OPAL DUNN: Amanda Camillo |