The Miracle WorkerWritten by William Gibson
Directed by Doreen Lundberg PERFORMANCE DATES April 27th - May 13th, 2012 Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm Sundays at 2pm SYNOPSIS Elwood P. Dowd insists on including his friend Harvey in all of his sister Veta’s social gatherings. Trouble is, Harvey is an imaginary six-and-a-half-foot-tall rabbit. To avoid future embarassment for her family—and especially for her daughter, Myrtle Mae—Veta decides to have Elwood committed to a sanitarium. At the sanitarium, a frantic Veta explains to the staff that her years of living with Elwood’s hallucination have caused her to see Harvey also, and so the doctors mistakenly commit her instead of her mild-mannered brother. The truth comes out, however; Veta is freed, and the search is on for Elwood, who eventually arrives at the sanitarium of his own volition, looking for Harvey. But it seems that Elwood and his invisible companion have had a strange influence on more than one of the doctors. Only at the end does Veta realize that maybe Harvey isn’t so bad after all. CAST LIST ANNIE SULLIVAN - Tonja Schreiber HELEN KELLER - Hayley Rousselle CAPTAIN KELLER - Don Bellairs KATE KELLER - Valarie Griffiths Brown JAMES KELLER - Scott Kelly AUNT EV - Jody Spradlin ANAGNOS - Seth Haas VINEY - Aaron Marrow MARTHA/HELEN UNDERSTUDY - Kaylei Wright PERCY - Wynton Doty DOCTOR - Jerry Doty SMALLEST GIRL 1 - Charlotte Burke SMALLEST GIRL 2 - Desiree Meek BLIND GIRLS - Carly Riley, Emma Younger, Jadyn LaRiviere, Kassy Williams, Katie McClanan, Kristina Strommer, Madisyn Lane, Mia Barkenaes, Natalie Borden, Samantha Bowen PRESS 'The Miracle Worker' Works for BCT Westside Theatre Reviews May 1st, 2012 Beaverton Civic Theatre's 'The Miracle Worker' advances to regional competition The Oregonian February 8th, 2013 |