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Such // addons and apps will be promoted on our site. // More about our APIs: var ecwidContextPath = ""; var addExtension = function(cons,ext) { if (cons.addExtension) cons.addExtension(ext); else cons(ext); }; var ep = function() { this.extensions = []; this.consumers = []; var that = this; this.registerConsumer = function(cons) { that.consumers.push(cons); for (var i=0; i-1&&(window.JSON&&window.JSON.stringify)){var h=f.createDocumentFragment();h.appendChild(f.createTextNode(ib));for(var i=0;i=0){continue}if(j==tb){k=i.getAttribute(ub);if(k){var l,m=k.indexOf(vb);if(m>=0){j=k.substring(0,m);l=k.substring(m+1)}else{j=k;l=db}c[j]=l}}else if(j==wb){k=i.getAttribute(ub);if(k){try{d=eval(k)}catch(a){alert(xb+k+yb)}}}else if(j==zb){k=i.getAttribute(ub);if(k){try{e=eval(k)}catch(a){alert(xb+k+Ab)}}}}}u=function(a){var b=c[a];return b==null?null:b};__propertyErrorFunction=d;ru_cdev_xnext_frontend_Main.__errFn=e} function G(){if(window.ecwid_script_base){o=window.ecwid_script_base;return o}function e(a){var b=a.lastIndexOf(Bb);if(b==-1){b=a.length}var c=a.indexOf(Cb);if(c==-1){c=a.length}var d=a.lastIndexOf(Db,Math.min(c,b));return d>=0?a.substring(0,d+1):db} function f(a){if(a.match(/^\w+:\/\//)){}else{var b=q.createElement(Eb);b.src=a+Fb;a=e(b.src)}return a} function g(){var a=u(Gb);if(a!=null){return a}return db} function h(){var a=q.getElementsByTagName(kb);for(var b=0;b0){return a[a.length-1].href}return db} function j(){var a=q.location;return} var k=g();if(k==db){k=h()}if(k==db){k=i()}if(k==db&&j()){k=e(q.location.href)}k=f(k);return k} function H(a){if(a.match(/^\//)){return a}if(a.match(/^[a-zA-Z]+:\/\//)){return a}return ru_cdev_xnext_frontend_Main.__moduleBase+a} function I(){var f=[];var g=0;function h(a,b){var c=f;for(var d=0,e=a.length-1;d=10||b.indexOf(Vb)!=-1}())return Wb;if(function(){return b.indexOf(Ub)!=-1&&q.documentMode>=9}())return Xb;if(function(){return b.indexOf(Ub)!=-1&&q.documentMode>=8}())return Yb;if(function(){var a=/msie ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/.exec(b);if(a&&a.length==3)return c(a)>=6000}())return Zb;if(function(){return b.indexOf($b)!=-1}())return _b;return Lb};i[Rb]={gecko1_8:0,ie10:1,ie6:2,ie8:3,ie9:4,opera:5,safari:6};t=function(a,b){return b in i[a]};ru_cdev_xnext_frontend_Main.__getPropMap=function(){var a={};for(var b in i){if(i.hasOwnProperty(b)){a[b]=k(b)}}return a};ru_cdev_xnext_frontend_Main.__computePropValue=k;p.__gwt_activeModules[V].bindings=ru_cdev_xnext_frontend_Main.__getPropMap;s(R,ac);if(r()){return H(bc)}var l;try{h([Nb,Wb],cc);h([Nb,Zb],dc);h([Nb,Lb],ec);h([Nb,Sb],fc);h([Nb,Xb],gc);h([Nb,Yb],hc);h([Nb,_b],ic);h([Ob,Lb],jc);l=f[k(Kb)][k(Rb)];var m=l.indexOf(kc);if(m!=-1){g=parseInt(l.substring(m+1),10);l=l.substring(0,m)}}catch(a){}ru_cdev_xnext_frontend_Main.__softPermutationId=g;return H(l+lc)} function J(){if(!p.__gwt_stylesLoaded){p.__gwt_stylesLoaded={}}function c(a){if(!__gwt_stylesLoaded[a]){var b=q.createElement(mc);b.setAttribute(nc,oc);b.setAttribute(pc,H(a));q.getElementsByTagName(ob)[0].appendChild(b);__gwt_stylesLoaded[a]=true}} s(qc,S);c(rc);s(qc,sc)} F();ru_cdev_xnext_frontend_Main.__moduleBase=G();v[V].moduleBase=ru_cdev_xnext_frontend_Main.__moduleBase;var K=I();if(p){var L=!!(p.location.protocol==tc||p.location.protocol==uc);p.__gwt_activeModules[V].canRedirect=L;function M(){var b=vc;try{p.sessionStorage.setItem(b,b);p.sessionStorage.removeItem(b);return true}catch(a){return false}} if(L&&M()){var N=wc;var O=p.sessionStorage[N];if(!/^http:\/\/(localhost|127\.0\.0\.1)(:\d+)?\/.*$/.test(O)){if(O&&(window.console&&console.log)){console.log(xc+O)}O=db}if(O&&!p[N]){p[N]=true;p[N+yc]=G();var P=q.createElement(kb);P.src=O;var Q=q.getElementsByTagName(ob)[0];Q.insertBefore(P,Q.firstElementChild||Q.children[0]);return false}}}J();s(R,sc);D(K);return true} ru_cdev_xnext_frontend_Main.succeeded=ru_cdev_xnext_frontend_Main(); // ========================= NOCACHE END =========================== if (document.removeEventListener) { document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", ecwid_onBodyDone, false); } if (ecwid_onBodyDoneTimerId) { clearInterval(ecwid_onBodyDoneTimerId); } } } if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { ecwid_onBodyDone(); }, false); } // Fallback. 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" + "If you open this site using a mobile device, you can visit our mobile store " + "which is designed specially for them and doesn't use JavaScript.

" + "Below here's the exact error occurred. Please report it to the issue tracker.

"; var bodyTagError = "This document doesn't contain the required " + "<body> and </body> "+ "tags. Thus your Ecwid store cannot be loaded. " + "Please add these tags and refresh the page. This message will disappear and you will see your store."; var isWindowsMobile2005 = /(msie 4).*(windows ce)/i.test(navigator.userAgent); if (!document.body && !isWindowsMobile2005) { xReportError(bodyTagError); } else { xReportError(commonError + e.message); } throw e; }